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Auto Shop Safety Guide
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One of the biggest concerns for every automotive shop owner is the safety and security of their auto technicians. We are always trying to stock the best products and equipment to support auto technicians and construction workers so that they can do their jobs efficiently and safely. We’re covering some of the most utilized and loved products in this auto shop safety guide that will ensure that your auto technicians are happy and secure on the job.
3M Peltor Over the Head Black Eletron Spot Tactical Hearing Protection
Primarily for construction, the 3M Peltor Over the Head Back Electron Spot Tactical Hearing Protection had to be included as the first thing on our auto shop safety guide because of its ability to enhance normal hearing all while limiting sharp, dangerous noises to safe levels. They have a long battery life with automatic shut-off capability and contoured cups for better comfort. Long-term exposure to loud noises can cause permanent and irreversible hearing damage.
No matter what type of business you own, a first aid kit is a necessary thing to have on hand. This Honeywell North first aid kit is perfect for an array of businesses and operational settings with a variety of bandages, wipes, and pads available. The kit is also waterproof, which makes it a great option to have and store in an auto shop.
Caution Print, 15″ x 19″ Sorbent Mat
When operating a large auto shop with a number of technicians on the shop floor, communication is critical to ensure the safety of everyone. Establishing the habit of alerting workers of potentially hazardous chemicals or work in progress is crucial and especially when any spills occur before any clean-up is done. These high-visibility mat designs are multilingual and have clear symbols to alert all workers and people on the shop floor. They’re abrasion-resistant making the top layer everyday cleanup job easier to handle and the universal absorbency means that the single product can work on a multitude of surfaces and liquids. For more information on spill prevention and clean-up, make sure to read about these different types of sorbents or auto shops.
MCR SAFETY Ninja Coated-Palm Gloves
When it comes to highly innovative gloves, these MCR Safety Ninja Coated-Palm gloves are the best offerings. They have a unique shell made up of a polymer combination technology making the gloves the best for hand protection. On top of that, auto technicians and construction workers find these gloves the best for dexterity, sense of touch, and protection.
Kimberly-Clark Professional V10 Element Safety Eyewear
Wearing eye protection is critical to keep dirt, debris, metal chips, acid, and refrigerants out of your eyes while performing and completing necessary tasks. Our clients like to have the Kimberly-Clark Professional brand on hand as they are durable and lightweight. The completely dielectric, thermoplastic construction makes it the preferred safety eyewear for most industries.
If you’re looking to revise your auto shop safety guide and would like a unique list of the best products and equipment for your auto technicians, then make sure to give one of our sales representatives a call at +1 (833) 281-2627 or email us at today and ask about our special pricing too!
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